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Accepted dontpayurtaxes Professor Application


Level 49
Shrine Lead
What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username?

Link all previous applications you made on the server:
(RandomlyDenied) Shrine Application - Accepted
(ugogirl) Korean App - Accepted
(dontpayurtaxes) EMS Doctor Application - Accepted
(RandomlyAccepted) Builder Application - Accepted
(RandomlyDenied Russian Language - Accepted
(dontpayurtaxes) EMS Doctor Application - Denied
(dontpayurtaxes) Chinese App - Accepted
(RandomlyAccepted) Czech App - Accepted
(RandomlyAccepted) 3rd Language Slot - Accepted
(StopPayingTaxes) JSL App - Accepted
(RandomlyDenied) JSL App - Accepted
(StopPayingTaxes) Shrine Maiden App - Accepted
(RandomlyAccepted) JSL App - Accepted
(RandomlyDenied) Professor App 4 - Accepted
(RandomlyDenied) JSL App - Denied
(dontpayurtaxes) Professor App 3 - Accepted
(dontpayurtaxes) JSL App - Accepted
(RandomlyDenied) Jin App - Denied
(dontpayurtaxes) Professor App 2 - Accepted
(RandomlyDenied) EMS Nurse App - Accepted in DMs
(RandomlyDenied) Spanish App - Denied
(RandomlyAccepted) Event Team App 2 - Accepted
(RandomlyAccepted) Prosthetic Leg App - Accepted
(RandomlyDenied) - Korean App - Accepted
(RandomlyDenied) - Professor App 1 - Accepted
(RandomlyDenied) - Korean App - Denied
(RandomlyAccepted) - Event Team App 1 - Denied
(RandomlyAccepted) - Russian App - Accepted

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

I played SRP for about four years, joining back in early 2020. During this time, I been very active and on daily. Right now, I am on for 4+ hours a day, but that could change depending on how much schoolwork I have. During my time, I usually RP on my main characters like Mi and Mesha, then get on EMS and Shine occasionally. Despite my roles and other duties, I will ensure I can get online and teach but also work on future classes and activities .

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I have been playing SchoolRP for about four years now. During this time, I have tons of experience with different types of roleplays—this could be medical or even sports-related. I have experience in roleplaying as a professor, as I have been a professor multiple times before. I have done things relating to the shrine faction but also RP out characters who are more serious or even a bit silly.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
RandomlyAccepted - Helper, Builder, Paramedic
RandomlyDenied - Shrine Maiden
dontpayurtaxes - N/A (Applying)

What is the subject you want to teach?:


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

Medical topics and human biology have always fascinated me; I can keep learning more and more about these topics and never grow bored. Being able to express my love for these topics has always been fun for me; learning and creating new lesson plans not only makes me learn more about the subjects but also allows me to teach players about the things I love. I love teaching players about medical-related stuff in a fun way and exciting way. Though not everyone may like these topics, you can always find something that may spark a slight interest, such as prion disease, to something simple like how the heart beats. Medicine can be fun, and I want to make my classes exciting and engaging so players can have fun going to classes.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
  1. A major focus in Traumatology is wounds, and students will be learning skills associated with treating them in multiple classes. One of them will be basic bleeding control. After they learn about the different types of bleeds (capillary, venous, and artery), students will learn how to properly apply pressure, identify bleeds, and, of course, use a tourniquet; they will be able to practice these skills, too.​
  2. Breathing is essential, and one significant aspect of Traumatology is knowing how to keep someone breathing. Students will learn the basics of intubation while practicing it, and they will also learn other advanced procedures like tracheotomy with practice.​
A lot of my interactive classes involve students practicing skills they learn in class. Other interactive class ideas I have include discussing certain medical ethics topics related to Traumatology and role-playing with one another about certain topics (for example, breaking bad news).

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
ALL ABOUT EMERGENCIES! To citizens bleeding out to cardiac arrest, hospital workers need to work quickly to stabilize the patient, but how do they do that? This field trip will be done at Karakura Hospital, and students will learn how EMS treat patients suffering from life-threatening emergencies. A mock patient who has sustained a significant head injury will be there, and students will follow them and the doctor around to see what happens with such an injury. They will be learning about the initial response, bringing them to the trauma room, how an MRI scan is done, and, of course, going over the basics of how they would treat a brain bleed. Finally, students will learn about recovery and what might happen during that process.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

First I would watch and see what is going on, if there are any signs of fighting I might ask them to break it up. Though, if there is a large group I might ask for back-up first just in case something happens. We would tell them to break it up or they might get detention. If a situation gets really out of hand, SLT might be alerted.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Detention is a place that students should not be messing around in, Safiyah would tell off the student and tell them to be quiet and do their work or they may face further punishment such as SLT. On the second time they will be reported to SLT due to their behavior.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
First of all, I would tell them to quit it, if they want to listen to music in class then they can use their earbuds but I would also tell them to quiet down, if they really want to talk then whisper. If the cheerleaders continue to be disruptive, I may give them another warning before kicking them out of the class. Depending on how bad they are, I may or may not give them detention but if they join another class of mine (Or I see them do the same thing in another class) then that would be detention.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
I would verbally warn them to separate, I would never physically break it up as it can cause harm. If they refuse to listen, I would threaten detention and once again if they refuse then I would give them detention and tell them to stay away from each other for the rest of the day.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Saifyah is a pretty average-height female with no notable features besides the tattooed sleeve on her right arm. She always needed to improve in school, but she always did very well when it came to talking and explaining topics. With dark brown hair and brown eyes, she had a confident stance in her position. You can always see her wearing fun outfits, which help shape her fun personality. Despite being entertaining and energetic in her classes, she is different when it comes out of the classroom. You can see Saifyah sticking with Judas most of the time and only socializing a little if needed. When it comes to students, she has never been a massive fan of high school students but would still do her best to help them when she could.

The most noticeable feature is her tattoo sleeve; it was filled with drawings of various movies and one special one that matched Judas' tattoo. A wedding ring sat on her finger, and she had always painted purple nails with a unique design. You can always see her wearing simple makeup, but nothing too crazy. A slight hint of floral perfume would hit her hair, a slightly long brown length that curled somewhat at the end.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Safiyah and Judas grew up together for most of their life and knew they wanted to do something similar. Judas always did well in school for Safiyah, but it was another story. She was more of an average student, getting B to C grades, so nothing that would ever set her straight to medical school. As she got older, she did things like volunteering, but when university results came out, Judas got in, but Safiyah didn’t. Saddened by this news, Safiyah had to find other ways to get into medicine or a different career path. Though she was an average student, she once excelled in one topic: science. As Safiyah tried to figure out what to do with her life, she tutored college and high school students and eventually learned that she was an excellent teacher and always praised how she described certain concepts. This gave her an idea to go into education possibly.

Applying to another university, she decided to major in Biology. She got in - Counting her way through university, she kept tutoring until she finally finished her Bachelor in Biology, but what was next? She ended up having a kid while at university, so returning to university was a hard decision. Eventually, she decided to stay at home while Judas finished his schooling. After Judas was on the verge of completing medical school, Safiyah chose to apply, and with her shock, she got accepted. They both continued to work hard, and Judas began to work. A few years later, Saifah did, too, but their medical specialties were different - Safiyah went into trauma surgery. Eventually, realizing that medicine was not the type of job for her, Saifyah decided to go more of an academic route and started to teach as an assistant professor.

Judas eventually moved to Karakura along with the rest of his family, and now Safiyah is trying to follow them and teach about Traumatology at the local college.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)

Full Name
: Safiyah Martinez
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mrs
Given Name(s): Safiyah Martinez
Preferred Name: Safiyah Martinez
Age: 38
Gender & pronouns: Female, She/her
Religious Denomination: N/A
Marital Status: Married (Judas Martinez)
Nationality: Paraguay
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years)
: 6
Working Experience (# of years): 6
Academic Degree: PhD
Year of Graduation: 2015
Major(s): Medicine
Minors: Japanese Language
Native Languages: Spanish
Other Languages: Japanese, English
Preferred Teaching Subject: Traumatology

Additional notes about your application (if any
): N/A​


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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