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Accepted Malachai Yeou's Art Professor Application | snowprints


Level 60

What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:


What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)


Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Senketsu's Librarian Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Receptionist Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Dutch Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
German Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Russian Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Norwegian Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Kasper's History Teacher Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Yasuno's Korean Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Bo's JSL Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Izumi's French Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Izumi's Student Council Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Finneas King's Korean Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Third Language Slot [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Third Language Slot [DENIED] <- OLD
Karma's Student Council Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Montsuki's Student Council Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Hayden's Italian Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Hayden's Height Application <- OLD

SuitKink's Department Switch Council <- NEW
Nurse Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLDISH
SuitKink's Surgeon Application [Accepted] <- OLDISH
SuitKink's Shop Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Fukui's Dutch Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Fukui's Hospital Staff Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Marceline's JSL Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Marceline's Height Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Fukui's Nurse Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Marceline Marie's KPD Application [DENIED] <- OLD
Dallas's Spanish Application [ACCEPTED] <- OLD
Maiden Fukui Saki Application | SuitKink | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server- pending

Mitsuba's German Application [ACCEPTED]
Russian Application [ACCEPTED]
Russian Application [DENIED]
Katsuo Hakye Marie's Professor Application [ACCEPTED]
Chinese Application [ACCEPTED] <- Recent
Denied - YerPuppy STRAYS Shop Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Shop App - DENIED <- old

Italian Application [ACCEPTED]
Council Application [DENIED]
Yuugi Santorini's JSL Application <- NEW

Korean Application - Pending

NOTE: As far as my other IGNS. Nothing has been applied for.

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

The last few months, I had been super busy with getting used to my work schedule as I was working 2 jobs but now it’s back to one! But not that I’ve gotten settled, I’m very active on weekends, mainly Saturdays I'm pretty free! Sundays, I can get busy with friends wanting to hang out, but it's usually only for a few hours and I'm free the rest of the day! On the weekdays, it’s a bit before work and after work. After work, I’m pretty much free and online all night!

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

I have a lot of experience in roleplay. I had started when I was getting into Minecraft in my elementary years and
it was during the time that I first learned about original characters and acting out said characters, aka roleplay. I had learned such through YouTubers like Aphmau and SirCutieYuki. I began to partake in roleplaying on a pocket edition server, which I continued for a year or so. Soon, that expanded past just Minecraft roleplay and into scenarios with friends and even using Littlest Pet Shop figures. These experiences occurred during my early years.

As I transitioned to middle school, a friend and I had an interest in joining a Minecraft school roleplay server. In 2016, we discovered SRP, and it really exposed me to a greater experience of roleplay that I had never encountered before. I genuinely enjoyed this new experience. During this period, I also engaged in roleplay on some Roblox servers, but that quickly fizzled and got taken over by my SRP hyperfixation, which little did I know, turned into a 7 year hyperfixation.

Over the years, I learned more about roleplaying, and even got into detailRP. Around a year or two ago, I learned how to apply to work in different factions. Despite my many. . many failed applications, I kept going! And as of today, I have been accepted in the EMS faction, and the academics faction. With KHS being my personal favorite, I had applied with another account within the school, (the account being: SuitKink, the nurse account and counselor, and PuppyFeeling, the professor account), I want to continue to be within the faction.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

DrainingFeeling - COLLEGE PHD
SuitKink - Adult
YerStalker - Snail
Puppydxq_ - Adult
springleaves - Grade-12
SCH1Z0FR3N1C - Grade-12
snowprints - Grade-12

What is the subject you want to teach?:

Art Class (Painting, sculpting, etc)


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

I’ve always liked being a professor. Initially, I had the role nurse, then a PE professor, and then a counselor to gain more experience and understanding of what experience I enjoyed more. When I was a counselor and nurse, (both at different times.) I was eventually promoted to head counselor and head nurse, which gave me a unique perspective on the leading roles. Before I first became a professor a year ago now? I used to believe that you needed to be a teacher first before becoming a professor, but that realization of that statement being wrong has honestly been such a positive feeling. I much prefer the professor role as there are fewer students and you can get to know them better with the small groups.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
  1. Exploring Visual Story Telling. This is a hands-on interactive class that encourages the students to experience the world of visual storytelling through their paintings. Within this class, the students will get an understanding of visual storytelling in art. They will then proceed to paint themselves into a visual narrative, showing stories or emotions throughout the painting. This would be from an experience they have had.​
  1. Beyond the Canvas. The students will be encouraged to think creatively beyond traditional art forms by experimenting with different art mediums. It aims to inspire artistic exploration and self-expression within the students. Unconventional art mediums, such as found objects, digital art, multimedia, and 3D art, are explored with examples of artists who have shown these different approaches to inspire the students with their creativity. The students will use materials and tools to create their own art. This allows them to challenge their boundaries and encourage creative thinking.​

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

For my first field trip, it involves taking my students to an outdoor location such as the beach, or the shrine to inspire some sort of painting they will create. I’d request the students to take the view before them and select a spot to paint. They are to attempt any art form, realism, cartoony, etc and paint what is before them. Each student should have a different spot picked out so no repeats are to happen.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

During this situation, Malachai would calmly assess the students, trying to understand whats going on and if there are any potential risks. His demeanor would be neutral, avoiding confirmation. Malachai would question with all the students that are involved, both college students and high school student, to get that full understanding of the situation and its context. If necessary, he would check for any injuries, and if a nurse visit is needed. In summary, his approach would prioritize a safe and respectful learning environment.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

While Malachai is supervising during detention, if a student consistently disrupts the session with disruptive or unrelated questions, his approach with involve maintaining a strict yet calm demeanor. He would remind the student of the purpose of detention, emphasizing the importance of following to the established rules and expectations. If the student continues, he might have a private conversation with the student to understand their motivations and feelings, offering alternative ways to express themselves. If necessary, school administration or authorities would be involved in following school policies. The objective is to create a structured and respectful detention environment while addressing any underlying issues or concerns the student may have.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

In the scenario of hosting a class, Malchai's response to the disruptive cheerleaders was to quickly remind them of the phone policy and threaten to confiscate until the end of class if the continuation of disruption were to happen. In the event that they continued, the phones would be confiscated and a conversation after class would be given. Once class ended and the phones were handed back, a discussion was to happen about how the disruptive behaviors affected the class and their fellow students' learning was to be poor due to such disruption.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

In this scenario, as Malachai comes across a fight between students on the school perimeter, his first concern would be the safety of all students involved. If his initial attempt to break up the fight proves unsuccessful, he would prioritize safety of the students and call for immediate assistance as he continued to split the group up along with using verbal de-escalation techniques and ensuring that other students stay clear of the situation. Finally, he'd document the incident and provide statements to school authorities once the situation is under control.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Malachai Yeou is definitely one that stands out from the crowd when comparing personalities. Malachai is a huge extrovert who is always so passionate about his or other's work. He is a proud man you could say! His appearance can be rather distinctive! He's got a head of long smooth hair that was a light brown color that matches the way he so softly speaks. His facial expressions were pretty animated! He was not one to shy away from showing even an inch if great expression! Taking a gander at Malachai, you'd notice that he had a strong sense of style! His clothing was often colorful and expressional which truly represented his artistic side.

What puts Malachai apart from other applicants would be his ecstatic enthusiasm when it comes to anything relating to art. He seemed to have a genuine approach to life, making even the smallest of things appear more exciting then how it was originally. With his deep understanding of all types of different art forms, not only did he apply it to physical art, but he applied it to his way of life too. Malachai believes that each and every individual, artistic or not, can create something just as great and impactful! This is why Malachai encourages his students to explore their creative thoughts freely!

When it comes to Malachai's outlook on his fellow co-workers, he's always got such a friendly and vibrant smile, giving that positive attitude towards his fellow co-workers. He seeks any free opportunity he can get to spend with his co-workers to understand them and get to know each and every one of them. He values their knowledge and help and would offer said help if needed as he'd expect the same in return.

Coming around to Malachai's personality, he's got quite a vibrant personality. It was filled with creativity and endless curiosity for the arts. His optimistic personality always carried him through conversation and his way in life along with that stone curiosity. He always had a spark towards life, his own visions, and thoughts on it. The creative mind made his personality stick out in a crowd.

Coming onto plans for the future, he wants to grow and share all his creative work and knowledge with those (students and anyone of interest) and help them find their own stories. He's all about self-expression and helping others express themselves. He loves to wrap himself around his own personal projects inspired by everything around him.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Malachai Yeou's path to becoming a professor in the world of art is a colorful yet creative story of dedication and overwhelming passion. The boy was filled with such curiosity and enjoyment for the form of art and its multi-purpose existence. Malachai would be more fond of the painting side of things, whether it was with his fingers or with a proper paintbrush. As he grew older, he learned more on how art can connect people from all around the world with different backgrounds together which truly struck a spark in his being and led him to become an educator of sorts.

After completing his graduation from college, Malachai continued towards his goal as an art educator, curator, and artist. His forever-lasting enthusiasm and commitment to educating students quickly got him recognition in the art community. Malachai's desire to share his love for art with others all across the world led him to more academic opportunities, where he joined an institution of Karakura academics as a professor.

As a professor, Malachai opens his experiences as an artist and educator to inspire his students and fellow co-workers. His unique perspective within his backstory, which was rooted in his lifelong love for art, has become a great source of motivation and huge inspiration for his students and many others! Malachai has ensured that he leaves a lasting impact on each of his students after every class he hosts.



Full Name:

“Hello Hello! I’m Malachai Yeou! Pleasure is all mine.”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

“Mr.Yeou is how I will be referred to.”

Given Name(s):

“Malachai Yeou”

Preferred Name:



“I am currently 31 years of age!”

Gender & pronouns:

“My gender is male and pronouns are he/him”

Religious Denomination:

“None! I’m not really religious!”

Marital Status:

“ this an actua-. . Sorry sorry! Ahem.. I’m single”


“ Korean! Born and Raised!”

Current Location:

“Karakura Japan!”

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

“6 years of teaching!”

Working Experience (# of years):

“13 years of working experience!”

Academic Degree:

“MFA, Master of Fine Arts! Or in more simpler terms, I graduated with a PhD.”

Year of Graduation:

“I graduated in 2016!”


“Bachelor of Fine Arts and Art Education.”


“Art History and Psychology”

Native Languages:


Other Languages:

“Japanese is all after Korean”

Preferred Teaching Subject:



Additional notes about your application (if any):
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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