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Denied Governor | T1OTO's application


Level 231

In-game Name:
T1OTO (currently a unused account.)

Previous bans (include appeal links):
I had the majority of my bans "pardoned" a few years back, in the case of being dismissed or false. However -- the last time I was banned was in 2018.
Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
I have a microphone -- note that availability matters. If a meeting is held during a time that is unrealistic for me to attend (for example: 2 am on a school night) then I will not be able to make usage of my microphone, if be there at all.

Timezone & Country:
AEST, Australia

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):


#01: (I've come a long way, LONGGGG way!)

#20 :
#05-#13: (includes 9 suggestions)

Describe your activity on the server:
. I had recently left SRP during a pivotal moment in my life (Getting kicked out and having to move out of home, taking up more hours at work etc whilst still heavy into my exams) however in the last couple months I've recently come back and am dedicating a lot of free time to this server (SRP is one of my favourite games). I'm completely back to SRP. I own one of the three player estate, own two criminal businesses Fight Club & another on the horizon and have returned as a black-market dealer. I'd like to think I am somebody who is extremely efficient at what I do -- to the point where I can handle a lot of positions within a reasonable level of activity.

To build up a character study for you -- I took Fight Club from the ashes of multiple, multiple inactive owners and have consistently turned it into something that opens very regularly, with events always around the corner. Then there is AUFFALLEN. An ancient shop that hadn't been worked in god knows when. And for over a year I opened 12 or more times a month without fail, not even counting my duties towards my estate, being a professor, fight club, and all of the other BusinessRP stuff I had going on. If there is a player that truly represents "activity" than it would probably be me as I am always doing something.

I'm not always online -- I have school and am occasionally busy with a very technical in real life job. However I do log on every single day and clock in a few hours (not including my duties to Fight Club or the Black Market that I do outside of those few regular playtime hours). I love SRP and I think I am a fairly active player hours wise, but an insanely active member in every other non-calculatable way such as the amount of time I put into my events (recently my work with the unverified gang; Triad & now it's continuation as well as my plans to work with other gangs to create interesting events), or the lore I make (I simply love to write).


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
Even though I had applied for a Political Party at the time, I was quite eager to join this faction back when Ryanark was in charge of it. - Since I have recently only really enjoyed city-side projects and RP on SRP, I would really like to have the opportunity to pursue this now. When it was time to rethink this faction (from Politics Faction to Government Faction), I took part in the initial design process by participating in early-day calls with a few staff team members and really considering the options however I did not play any substantial part in the final faction on launch day. When it first officially launched, I applied for Governor and was accepted into the faction's first wave. However, I was pushed out of the faction eventually because of personal thoughts of the faction leader at the time. (due to clashing personalities) with the faction lead after wbq due to his very controversial nature to say the least (thankfully now he is a banned player).

I have been a member of every aspect of the government (Hospital, Police and Government) -- This time around, I truly believe in the work that is happening. It is run by a player who I believe I can trust to do good by the faction and I wish to be apart of that as much as possible and be apart of their journey. I believe I can become one of your best foot soldiers.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I am well acquainted with Karakura's legal system and constitutional rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I think I want my character to represent a more realistic take on the government. How would an outsider looking in on Karakura tackle this weird unrealistic environment? What would be his way of tackling the sandbox that is Karakura? I think he'd take a great issue with the lack of childhood welfare (albeit you couldn't legitimately make it a meaningful update -- that goes without saying obviously.) My character despite being predominantly wealthy understands the basics of Karakura down to a tea -- as well as what keeps it continuously in the mud.

OOCly my reason for applying is that I feel as if the Government faction has an entire world of untapped potential that I may be able to help form behind the table alongside you and my (hopefully) future faction members. I've had a lot of past gripes with this faction (a lot of them well documented, even.) but I feel like I am at a crossroads finally where I feel I should rediscover what type of journey I could spend as apart of this faction.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Governors are powerful political figures as well as tour guides for the city. They are a level below the Deputy Mayor, so if a seat opens, any governor can increase their democratic influence. A governor's duties include overseeing court proceedings, acting as bailiffs, and frequently sitting at the "town hall" to issue IDs and respond to inquiries.

OOCly they exist to help invigorate the faction and be a support structure for the faction lead -- which is what I am primarily interested in. I wish to help brainstorm updates & events and truly be apart of this faction as much as I possibly can. That's always been my goal on SRP.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes -- within OOC reason.


Full name:
Kyūketsuki Furukawa

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.): Mr. Furukawa

Current age: 62

Date of birth: 12th November 1960.

Gender: Male

Academic Degree: Masters.

Major(s): Law

Minor(s): sociology, criminology, architecture & global studies.

Work experience:

Work Experience, Nishimura & Asahi (formally Nishimura & Partners) - Kyoto Japan, 1985
Legal Secretary, Toshiba Corporation - Kyoto - Japan 1986-1989
Legal Assistant, Japanese Post Holdings, Ltd. - Takashima, Japan 1989-1999
Compliance Manager, City-Yuwa Partners - Tokyo, Japan 2000-2004
Vice President Head of Privacy, TMI Associates - Kyoto, Japan 2005-2012
General Legal Advisory, Nihon Kyōsan-tō - 2008 Kyoto mayoral election
Messengers of Peace, United Nations 2012-present
Executive Internal Committee Employee, Prime Immunity Party - 2017-present

Political background:
Appointed as a Messenger of Peace in 2012 via the United Nations Secretary-General after a long-spanning career in Antitrust and Competition & later Banking and Finance. Worked briefly with Nihon Kyōsan-tō (on the 2008 Kyoto mayoral election in favour of Daisaku Kadokawa), maintaining occasional economic opportunities from the party in the latter half of the 2010s. Due to this connection I was employed by the Prime Immunity Party in the 2019 Karakura Election, later becoming a full Executive Internal Committee Employee. My political values align with the Prime Immunity Party. I currently reside in the Furukawa Estate (formally the Herrington Estates) in Karakura, Japan and would therefore be considered upper-class.

Nationality & born location:
Japanese, born in Kyoto, Japan.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, English.

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
I am qualified to fill this post and have a very strong record, having held significant positions in a number of Fortune-500 Japanese law firms throughout my career. More importantly, I am a employee of the United Nations and the Prime Immunity Party and have a significant law degree and past history in both mainland Japan politics and local Karakura politics. I want to and already am an example of prosperity for this town.
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I've decided to DENY this application

Your application was great, unfortunately we decided that others stood out a little more to us. We greatly encourage you to re-apply when more spots become available!

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